Continuation » Continuation



The Continuation High School Class at Osprey is designed as an alternative program which allows students to attend high school in a more flexible environment. Continuation curriculum is aligned with the California Department of Education’s Model Curriculum Standards. Osprey Continuation High meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30AM - 2:15PM and on Wednesdays from 8:30AM - 1:25PM.  The school is located behind the Redway Elementary School Office, in Portable Classroom #21. Please contact Redway School Office @ (707) 923-2526, to be transferred to the Continuation High School Class.


  • Provide educational opportunities for students who have credit deficiency, and attendance and/or behavior problems which require a small school environment to be successful.
  • Assess each student’s academic skills upon entry to design a program with a course of study appropriate to his/her ability level which will meet district graduation requirements.
  • Deliver an academic program, career development, and social services to students to enhance their potential for success as responsible citizens, family members, and workers.



King, Arnold Principal   [email protected]

Office Staff

McClure, Jill    Secretary   [email protected]


Baker, Bob Teacher [email protected]
Ogden, Kelly Teacher Grades 9-12 [email protected]